Summer in Montana 2024
As winter came to an end, there was a long period of really nice temps - mainy in the 40s in the AMs and getting up to the 60s in the afternoons, and this went on until just about July 1st. Now up to 100 degrees, it was a quick onset to summer!
We had our first ever llama show appearance at the Glacier Classic, here in Kalispell, Montana. For the 3 months before the show, Herve was walking the 8 llamas we chose to enter, and teaching them to easily step up into and out of the trailer. They all did very well, although my last 2 add ons only had about a month and a half of training before the show.
We have learned so much! Alexa, our daughter, was here to help ready the llamas with brushing and washing, plus walking time. It was Alexa's first time ever showing llamas, and she did great! The judges critique the llamas on not only their overall appearance, but their behavior in the show ring. Our llamas did great for their first show! We managed to get some 1st, 2nd and 3rd placings, but mostly we had a blast! Spectators came to the arena to watch, and walked around the stalls where we were all readying the llamas. Many were prior llama owners and some came to select llamas to take home with them.
We have had eight crias (llama babies) this season, and have 2 more possibles. All the babies are listed on their own page, but I have their names together on a seperate page to enjoy them from! We have had 4 males and 4 females. Last year, we bought some llamas already bred - this is a way to diversify genetics, and we were very pleased to have males, as they will be able to carry those great bloodlines on in the future! We will keep you posted on when they will be old enough to be separated from their moms, and there is a sale page listing those who will be looking for new pastures. We hope you will enjoy our llamas!