Windy Ridge Llama Ranch

Outstanding genetics

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Thanksgiving at WRLR 2024

Finally the cool days have arrived! 22 degrees is keeping things a bit icy but the new barn is comfortably insulated and the cement floor is buried with soft and warm straw. Llamas love the snow, and usually just come into a barn briefly for grain then it’s right back out again! 

We are able to use the barn for training the new cries to be on halters and how to walk nicely when led. Thanksgiving gave us some additional llama training time, sinc

Summer in Montana 2024

As winter came to an end, there was a long period of really nice temps - mainy in the 40s in the AMs and getting up to the 60s in the afternoons, and this went on until just about July 1st. Now up to 100 degrees, it was a quick onset to summer!

We had our first ever llama show appearance at the Glacier Classic, here in Kalispell, Montana. For the 3 months before the show, Herve was walking the 8 llamas we chose to enter, and teaching them to easily step up into a

Shearing 2024

When you first own llama, you look at how they are shorn and think, "that doesn't look too hard, I can do that!" And yes! You can! But I want to recommend that you have them shorn professionally first, and watch how it's done. Before you have your llama shorn, you will need to prepare by deciding how you would like them to be shorn, as there are different methods, and also different "cuts".

Llama can be shorn standing up, which is the

New Babies as of May 2024

It has ben an exciting start to the season of llama births! Do you know the gestation period for a llama is 11 months and 2 weeks (minimally)? So we wait almost 12 months to see if we will be blessed with successful births after the careful breeding selections made the year before. And compared to our nine month human gestational peiod, in my opinion, a year seems too long to be pregnant! The breeding season in Montana is necessarily short. We don't want to breed too early in the se

Frosty Morning at Windy Ridge Llama

It's Almost Christmas 2023!

Exciting and Scary week!

Easter is always a special and thoroughly spiritual remembrance day commemorating the Resurrection. After church, we were out with the llama and I was brushing Adelaide. Two days before, the long awaited Stone Crest's Maximus, my six month old appaloosa llama, arrived by Chad's transporter's service with Brett Snead. We were totally jazzed to have him - Max came all the way from Wisconsin and now Windy Ridge Llama Ranch is his home. He was frolicking about while I was grooming my pretty Suri's l